High School Sophomore Schools His Teacher


Sophomore Schools His History Teacher

Jeff Bliss, a sophomore in Duncanville, TX, reached his boiling point with his history teacher, who remains unidentified. Mr. Bliss expressed in an outburst his desire to actually learn something if only his teacher would quit handing them packets (“packies,” he calls them) and get up and engage them.

What makes Mr. Bliss compelling is that he dropped out of high school his freshman year, and then came back with what he calls a passion for learning.

His outburst, recorded by a friend and posted on YouTube, went viral. The video linked here shows that video and the continuing story.

I can only applaud this young man.  See, I was blessed with nearly entirely gifted teachers, and in history I was even more fortunate.  I understand Mr. Bliss’ craving for learning; even in my AP History classes I thirsted to learn all I could, and my wonderful teachers all were happy to indulge me.

What frustration he must have, desiring to quench a thirst for knowledge, coming to the fountain of learning (his school), and finding the fountain dry!